April 2014
For the April meeting we will be learning card weaving with Nancy Squire teaching us. She will provide us with the yarn, shuttles, and instructions.
We will be weaving a small bag that says “stay warped” in QR code.
You will also need to bring 75 weaving cards (3 sets). Nancy recommends that you get the kind with the square hole in the middle, but that would be a convenience, not a requirement.
If you have an inkle loom, feel free to bring it along – again, that is not a requirement for participating in the weaving project.
Location: McKnight Hall, room 118
Date: Saturday, April 5, 2014
Time: Social at 9:30 a.m., meeting 10:00 – noon
Directions to McKnight Hall: Exit off of Hillside onto Alumni Drive. The McKnight building will be on your right. Enter the north wing (around the curve of the street) through the brown double doors that face Hillside. Parking is available in the lot across the street from the McKnight Building.
April 2014 — No Comments
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