The Wichita Weavers, Spinners & Dyers Guild is a registered non-profit arts and education organization that has been in continuous existence since 1947. Also known as the Wichita Handweavers, Spinners & Dyers Guild, it has provided decades of support and enrichment for local fiber artists.
Guild members have been involved for most of those years in providing weaving and spinning classes for the public in various locations, including the now defunct Wichita Art Association on east Central. In late 2017, when CityArts decided to stop offering weaving classes, Guild members voted unanimously to step up and take responsibility for every aspect of the educational program, and the Fiber Arts Center of Wichita was born.
A location was identified and arrangements were made to move the 16 floor looms and other equipment to their new home at STUDIO|SCHOOL, in the former Metro Boulevard Alternative School (originally Willard Elementary) at 751 George Washington Boulevard in Wichita.

The first classes begin in January 2018, ushering in a new era in fiber arts instruction in Wichita and south central Kansas.