Do you have a great idea for a fiber-related class?  Do you have experience teaching hands-on skills to small groups?  We’d love to hear from you!

As reflected in the Guild’s name, our main focus is weaving, spinning and dyeing, but we also love other textile disciplines, including felting, basket weaving, knitting/crochet and more.  Proposed classes may be for a single session, a two-day workshop, a multi-week ‘semester’, or anything in between.

Submissions are reviewed and scheduled according to room availability and interest.   We’ll reply to proposals by email as soon as possible.

If your proposal is accepted, we will verify the class time/date with you before finalizing the calendar.  In addition to the information on the submission form, we require at least one crisp, clean photo of the product or process you will be teaching (more pictures, more interest!).  We can only accept photographs you have taken yourself or which you have permission for us to use.

Registration fee is required at online registration, and goes directly to the Guild.  Students will pay remaining fee to the instructor at the (first) class.  Room rental, if needed, is the responsibility of the instructor.

Submit your class plan in whichever way is most convenient for you: 


Questions?  Ask us using the Contact Form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP!


Class Proposal
In about 100 words; include skill level (everyone, beginner, intermediate, advanced) and/or any prerequisite skills needed (ability to spin a continuous yarn; can knit/purl/increase/decrease...), target age range if not adult, what will be covered in the class including the final product.
For example: 'single three-hour class'; or 'one two-hour class per week for 6 weeks'
Include alternate times/days
Minimum to hold class & maximum number of students
List any materials/supplies that the student should bring to the class (if none, enter N/A)
List the materials/supplies that will be provided by the instructor (if none, enter N/A)
Space or other physical requirements, such as: number of tables/chairs, water/sinks, etc.
Include materials fee AND ENOUGH TO COVER $40 ROOM RENT, if needed. Room rent is the responsibility of the instructor, to be paid to building owner the day of class.
$5 per class hour
Students will pay instructor the (first) day of class. Please check all methods you will accept.
Have you taught a class for the Guild before? If not, please describe your teaching experiences, especially fiber related.