Testing the Waters: In-Person Class

The pandemic slowed us all down, but it’s not stopping us!
We are offering our first in-person-together class in May – Beginning Wheel Spinning. It spans three Saturdays, and you can either bring your own wheel or borrow one for the duration of the class.
Pre-registration is required to reserve your spot – just complete the online form at the link above.

Creating your own yarn on a spinning wheel is magical – once you get past the first part. That’s kind of like riding a bike. It seems impossible at first, but when it clicks, Woo Hoo!!
The biggest decision may be whether to make something with your unique yarns, or just keep them for petting purposes.
We plan to add more in-person classes soon – if you have any requests, please let us know!
When you learn to spin, a whole new world of texture, color and fibers opens up. You’ll find yourself pondering the qualities of different wools, silk, cotton and other fibers, plus thinking about the infinite possibilities of color blends!
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