Come All Ye
to the Guild
Christmas Luncheon
Sat., December 4th. 2010, 12 noon to 2 ish at Mary Sue Foster’s.
(Please request directions via the ‘contact us’ page on this site.)
Bring a dish (salad, dessert, vegetable, rolls, etc…to serve 6 to 8 people). Meat dish, drinks to be provided.
Bring some yarn, weaving or knitting implements, books on fiber or fiber processes…something which you would like to donate to our fun auction we do with play money. This is so much fun and neater than a gift exchange! So look through your closets for a shuttle, or a fiber book (you bought a duplicate of), or some extra wool you know someone would love to spin, or a bolt of yarn you think someone would love. Remember this auction is all done with everyone receiving our play money to bid with.
Special Thanks to our co-hosts
Marnette Hatchett and Hippy McCloskey