Spring has sprung!! And with it, our plans for the year ahead.
It is sheep (and other critter) shearing time, lambing, and garden time – including plans for dye plants and fiber crops such as cotton and flax.
And here are a few other things to plan for:

The Guild’s annual fundraiser sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 11th from 9 am – 2 pm!
Please consider donating any fiber-related items for the sale, and bring them to a class or meeting between now and the sale date. Also consider helping prepare and set up (work day TBA), and then COME SHOP!
Note: All proceeds from the sale will go to support the Guild. Sorry, no commission or private sales.
The Handweavers Guild of America’s Convergence conference will be held in Wichita, from July 11 – 17.
Plan to support and attend in whatever way you can – this is “the ultimate international fiber art experience”, right in our back yard!
Check out the schedule and register soon – some classes are already filled, and others have only a few open spaces. Plan to attend special events and visit galleries around Wichita. Or just stop in to shop the marketplace; scroll down the page to check out the list of vendors whose booths you’ll be able to browse. See items and talk to the vendors in person before you buy – instead of the guesswork of online purchasing!
Another way to support conference participants – and possibly fund your own participation or shopping! – is to rent your folding floor loom, table loom, spinning wheel or other equipment to students who are unable to bring their own. The complete list of equipment needed is not yet available, but if you have a loom or wheel you’re interested in renting, email us at wichitaweavers@gmail.com and we’ll get you on the list!

2024 KAWS (Kansas Alliance of Weavers and Spinners Conference)
October 18 – 19
Roeland Park Community Center
Details to follow as they become available.