The yarn you spin depends in large part on how the fiber is prepared.  In this class, you will get some hands-on experience using a variety of fiber prep tools.  We’ll cover prepping fiber for spinning AND tips on blending fibers and colors, including tweeds and heathered yarns.

Don’t spin?  These tools can be used to prep fiber for felting, too!

Beginning and experienced spinners alike can benefit from this review of pickers, flickers, hand and drum carders, combs and other tools.

Learn how and when to use each tool (and find out about some low-cost alternatives), and practice with whichever tools interest you.  Bring your own clean fiber to use a tool that you don’t own.

NOTE: Some of these tools are extremely sharp.  Therefore, we ask that only adults attend this class.

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 2 – 5 pm

Masks are required to help keep everyone safe!

Instructor: Sharon Barnes

Class fee $35.   Register online and submit $15 to reserve your space. Bring the remaining $20 (cash or check) to the class.

Materials to bring:

  • Clean fiber from your stash that you’d like to pick, card, comb or blend

Instructor will provide:

  • Equipment for in-class use
  • Instructions & information

The location for all classes is the Fiber Arts Center of Wichita at 751 George Washington Boulevard.
Enter through the double door off Morris St. (south side of building).