~ 5th Saturday Workshop ~
The county of Dorset, England, became famous for residents’ production of thread buttons in the 1600s – and since then, styles of these versatile buttons have expanded greatly.
Learn how to make a traditional cartwheel button from thread or yarn, plus instructions and hands-on experience with a few other designs. As a bonus, learn how to make a ball-shaped Yorkshire button!

Class will be held on Saturday, December 30, 2023, from 9 – 10:30 am.
Instructor: Sharon Barnes
Class fee $30. Register online and submit $10 via PayPal to reserve your spot. Bring the remaining $20 (cash, check or PayPal) to the first class.
Special offer – sign up for both morning classes and get $5 off the second one!
Materials to bring (optional):
- Small sharp scissors
- Heavy thread or fine yarn you’d like to use
Instructor will provide:
- Rings
- Needles
- Thread/yarn and all other materials
- Handout
The location for all classes is the Fiber Arts Center of Wichita at 751 George Washington Boulevard.
Enter through the double door off Morris St. (south side of building).