Here are a few shots of the February 2014 meeting’s activity:
We also had a couple of show-and-tell items!

Nancy Cloutier’s “Oregon Coast”, using mostly handspun yarns. We were amazed to hear that it was her first tapestry weaving!
The Feb 1st Guild meeting will be at WSU. It starts at 10:00 am, but come at 9:30 for our social half hour.
We will be doing continuous strand weaving. This is done on a square loom or a triangle loom or even a rectangle loom. We are going to be learning on either the square loom or the triangle loom. In this type of weaving, you don’t warp and then weave the weft – it is done all at the same time. That makes it wonderful for handspun yarn because there is very little waste.
A good website for continuous strand weaving is Hillcreek Fiber Studio.
Location: McKnight Hall, room 118
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014
Time: Social at 9:30 a.m., meeting 10:00 – noon
Directions to McKnight Hall: Exit off of Hillside onto Alumni Drive. The McKnight building will be on your right. Enter the north wing (around the curve of the street) through the brown double doors that face Hillside. Parking is available in the lot across the street from the McKnight Building.