Make your own yarn for knitting, crochet or weaving. You’ll start with wool, but will also work with a variety of other fibers (including silk, cotton and flax, plus some exotic fibers).
This Spinning Exploration class is suitable for adventurous beginners & newbies, but also for people who have been spinning a while and are ready to branch out and get a wider range of experience.
In addition to spinning techniques, classes cover history, fiber prep and even dyeing!
Students borrow class spinning wheels to take home during the 5 week class, or may bring their own equipment to learn on.
Class starts on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm and continues through July 30 (with July 2 off).
Instructor: Nancy Squire
Class fee $135 (includes materials). Register online and bring payment to the first class.
The location for all classes is the Fiber Arts Center of Wichita at 751 George Washington Boulevard.