Spinning long draw can look magical – and it is!  Well, everyday magic, anyway.  The versatile point-of-twist spinning style can produce one arm’s length after another of airy, bouncy yarn, create fine yarns from short staple fibers, or yield a consistent yarn from a blend of long and short fibers. 

This class is suitable for anyone who can spin a continuous thread.  Learn how to spin woolen (as opposed to worsted) yarn, find out which fibers and fiber preps work best for long draw, and gain hands-on experience in long draw variations such as spinning from the fold for different fibers and end uses.  

We will practice carding and look at ways to prepare commercially processed roving so the fiber is ready to draft easily.  Participants will practice spinning rolags, roving, and punis, and those who are comfortable can play with double drafting.  

Class will be held on Sunday, January 21, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm.

Woman spinning long draw

Instructor: Sharon Barnes

Class fee $45.  Register online and submit $10 via PayPal to reserve your spot. Bring the remaining $35 (cash, check, PayPal) to class.

Materials to bring:

  • Your own working spinning wheel
  • Handcards if you have them
  • Note taking materials

Instructor will provide:

  • Fiber for class work

The location for all classes is the Fiber Arts Center of Wichita at 751 George Washington Boulevard.
Enter through the double door off Morris St. (south side of building).