The Kansas Alliance of Weavers and Spinners (KAWS) annual conference is now in the books. The Topeka Handweavers and Spinners Guild pulled together a rich and intimate event in Auburn, KS on September 16th & 17th. Several Wichita guild members attended and participated, and a good time was had by all!
There were classes, vendors (one of whom, Benz Rambouillet, provided fleeces for the breed study!), food and activities, and an inspiring keynote speech and slide show on botanical dyeing by Laura Mead.
Our guild table was a display of the combined efforts of multiple spinners who participated in the breed study funded by a grant from the Kansas Sheep Council, and while we were delighted that it was awarded second place, we are most happy about the attention it garnered from attendees and the discussions it started.

The fiber works on display were beautiful and varied, making voting for a favorite a difficult decision. The weaving with the chalice design at far left in the first photo was awarded the prestigious Pete Soeken award, in honor of one of KAWS’ founding members.

The fiber display winners were:
- 3rd, Laura Mead’s botanical printed jacket
- 2nd, Janet Hamous’ Partridge in a Pear Tree (left or above)
- 1st, Sharon Barnes’ spindle case (below)
Our Guild was well represented!

The 2023 KAWS conference will be held in Lawrence on June 9, 10 and 11, so put it on your calendar and watch for more information!