Kansas Alliance of Weavers and Spinners (KAWS) Conference
will be held at
First United Methodist Church
2420 Ohio St., Augusta, Kansas
GENERAL SCHEDULE (click a date to expand)
Friday, Nov. 5 – Preconference Workshop, Breakout Sessions, Open House
- 8:30 am: Check-in opens
- 9 am – 4 pm: Preconference workshop with Molly Elkind: Improv Weaving: Break the Rules!
- 1 pm – 3 pm: Breakout sessions (1 & 2 hour hands-on classes)
- 1 pm – 4 pm: Vendor & guild table setup opens
- 4:30 pm: Building locked
- 6 – 8 pm: Open House, Reception & Exhibit at Wichita Weavers, Spinners & Dyers Guild studio in Wichita @ 751 George Washington Blvd.
Saturday, Nov. 6 – Vendors, Breakout sessions, Lunch & Keynote, Destash Sale
- 7:30 am: Vendor & guild table setup begins
- 8 am: Check-in opens, KAWS Board Meeting
- 9 am – 5 pm: Vendors open (public welcome – no registration needed!)
- 9 am – 5 pm: Virtual fashion show, Guild table & individual displays. Voting open until 2 pm
- 9 am – 11 am: Breakout sessions (2 hour hands-on classes)
- 11:15 am – noon: Keynote address by Molly Elkind: Finding My Voice in Fiber
- Noon – 1 pm: Box lunch, Door prize drawings, Voting continues until 2 pm
- 1 – 3 pm: Breakout sessions (2 hour hands-on classes)
- 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm: Breakout sessions (1 hour hands-on classes)
- 4:15 pm – 5 pm: Closing & Awards, KAWS General Meeting
- 5 pm: Vendor breakdown, Destash setup
- 5:30 – 7:30 pm: Destash shopping, Social time (bring a project or spinning wheel!)
Sunday, Nov. 7 – Mill tour, Postconference Workshop I
- 9:30 am: Gather at hotel for first shuttle to HLA Fiber Mill (mill open for drop-in tours all morning)
- 1 – 4 pm: Postconference workshop I with Chiaki O’Brien: SAORI Weaving-Enjoy Being in a Moment
Monday, Nov. 8 – Postconference Workshop II
- 9 am – 4 pm: Postconference workshop II with Chiaki O’Brien: SAORI Weaving-Enjoy Being in a Moment